Friday 18 November 2011

Chastity is the Devil (Romeo)

Oh Rosaline! How you torture me with your chaste ways and strict morales. You may not have houses and land behind your name, but you are rich in beauty and kindness. There is nothing, I am sure, that could make me love you any more than I do now. No amount of persuasion could lessen my deep and committed devotion to you. I am sorry if I have done anything to hurt you before, I can assure you that was never my intent. What motivates me now is only love, love and the fear that your great beauty will be wasted on one generation. Not even the recent fight between Tybalt and Benvolio can deter me. I am not sure if you have heard of it, it was a minor affair and luckily no one is injured or dead. The argument didn't get very far, as the Prince was nearby and intervened. This is yet another chapter in the feud between my family and the Capulet's. I wish things had been different before I was born, as this constant fighting is all I have ever known. And what for? I have never seen anything to warrant the level of hatred and violence that exists between us. You see Rosaline, conflict and cynicism surrounds me, and that is why I need your love. I need you in my life to make it bearable. I spent all of yesterday in my room, waiting for the sun to come up; it never did. 

With Love and Sorrow,


  1. I know how love can effect a man, but the pain will pass over time

  2. marisa and ashlie21 November 2011 at 13:29

    your not a real man, get over the pain and start acting like a real human being.

  3. you're a weird guy.. Get it together before you lay one finger on my dear Juliet.

  4. Follow your heart when it heads it the right direction Romeo, follow it when it shows you the path to Juliet, but don't follow lust, it will only take you back to Rosaline and it will end in tragedy.

  5. Don't worry dear cousin, we will get you out and your mind on other things. Maybe you'll even find a new fancy at the party tonight. - Benvolio Montague

  6. Romeo, my sweet Romeo, you gave me your word, I believed you held me dear to your heart. Why have you deceived me so?

  7. Rosaline is a good woman for you. Dont ever look at another girl..
