Monday 12 December 2011

The End

(Romeo remembering their life, after the wedding scene)
After we were married, I could think of nothing but her, nothing but us. We were a unit now, we had a bond that was legally recognized and therefore had to be recognized by our families. There was the minor problem of the sleeping potion, seeing her lying there…no breath, no heartbeat. The pain of it. Though all the signs were there, I couldn’t bring myself to truly believe she was dead. Perhaps it was just that I didn’t want to accept it, perhaps there was some intuition inside me that knew she was still with me, that knew she wouldn’t inflict me with that measure of agony. Our ‘honeymoon’ was more of an ‘evasivemoon’ to give our elders time to calm themselves over the whole affair. Mass amounts of hate and rage aren’t the best emotions to heap onto a new marriage, passionate as it may be. They say the first year is the hardest, and I must admit there were a few nights that saw me sleeping on the couch. I believe our marriage was a catalyst to start change in Verona, Capulets and Montagues were able to pass each other in the streets without committing some act of debauchery. The real event that dissolved the hatred, I’m proud to say, was the birth of our child. Young Mercutio Tybalt Montague, the pride of my very existence! When Juliet told me of her pregnancy, I could hardly contain my joy! This was more than just a child, he was a bridge between families that hadn’t been traveled in generations. I’m looking forward to a bigger family, I would love to build my own chapter in the complicated text of Verona.  

1 comment:

  1. There are tears in my eyes, my love. Such a beautiful end to such a tragic story. If only it could have been so! That child would have grown up to be just like his father, and hopefully he would find so true a love as well <3
