Wednesday 7 December 2011

Interview with a Horny Cavalier

1. Describe your feelings in the moments leading up to the fight between yourself and Tybalt?
I honestly didn't know what to do, I was caught in such a difficult situation. What should I do, side with my new cousin and honor my marriage or side with my best friend, whom I had known my whole life.

2. What do your plans for Mantua include?
Basically wallowing in self pity, no plans are good plans unless they include Juliet.

3. How has Juliet taken this whole situation, what with you killing her cousin and everything.
Surprisingly well, she is mostly concerned for my safety and the fact that we will not be together for a while. Of all people, she has stood by me the most. I am so grateful for her unfailing loyalty and love.

4. What was it like, saying goodbye to Juliet while knowing you may never see each other again?
I can't describe the feeling, it was as if some part of me had been ripped out. It kills me, having no control over our relationship this way. I can only hope that one of us will be freed soon.

5.  If you could go back, knowing all the pain and suffering you and Juliet's relationship has caused, would you do it over again?
Knowing that our love is forbidden, knowing that our parent's will never approve, knowing that Mercutio was killed and in turn I killed Tybalt, and knowing of my banishment, I couldn't bring myself to change a thing. I love Juliet. It's as simple and complicated as that.



  1. you disgust me, you freak of nature. All of those people died and you dont even care. Juliet does not like you, she likes me so give it up.

  2. What was that?? I was too busy making love to my WIFE, Juliet, to hear you. What was that, Paris?

  3. Don't worry, my dear Romeo, you and your beloved Juliet will soon be reunited.

  4. Awhh isn't that last statement precious <3 O:)

  5. Oh Romeo, I would not change anything either. Things have been difficult, but it has been an adventure! I believe that things will only get better from here. The Friar and I have a plan, my love. I miss you, and I cannot wait until we can be together again. Love always <3
