Thursday 1 December 2011

Marriage, Banishment and Chick Flicks.

I have climbed the misty mountain of love and fallen down the other side.

I thought I could go no higher than Juliet's love and affection; and I was right in that. Now I know the deepest despair. The blackhole that is Mantua threatens to envelop me. Our seperation I simply cannot bear.

The catalyst I should not speak of, but I must find my heart some relief in unloading this burden. The filthy sword, drawn from Tybalt's waist and thrust into the heart of dear Mercutio...the thought of it makes my blood boil beneath my skin. How could I not avenge him? I do not regret my act of revenge, but I do rebuke the punishment I was given. Banishment! They may as well have killed me. I would much rather be slain, so I could wait for my love in peace. There has been one redeeming event as of yet, my first night with Juliet. As she once said, the sorrow was sweet. With the larks still singing, we said goodbye with implications of better days to come.

Oh and these are like my favourite movies...ever! I'm suuuuch a hopeless romantic, they are just so cute! When Noah asks Ally about the just breaks my heart! And the Titanic, oh the Titanic! Who can forget when she has to push Jack off, the regret and sorrow in her eyes!


  1. I believe you have done the right thing by avenging your friends death, but I wish Tybalt wasn't the one who took Mercutio's life in the first place. I wish you weren't banished for this incident, I wish we could spend more time together. The love I feel for you is the only thing I can feel, it both keeps me alive and drags me further to death.

  2. Romeo my heart weeps for you, for yours is a true story of misfortune. But worry not, I'm sure things will get better, it's only up from here! - Benvolio Montague

  3. Mercutio deserved to die and you will recieve the same fate


  5. Lord Capulet, I will help you kill him. It would be nice to be done with him for good.

  6. I feel for you my dear Romeo. This made me cry. I cried rainbows, but I cried nonetheless.
