Monday 12 December 2011

The End

(Romeo remembering their life, after the wedding scene)
After we were married, I could think of nothing but her, nothing but us. We were a unit now, we had a bond that was legally recognized and therefore had to be recognized by our families. There was the minor problem of the sleeping potion, seeing her lying there…no breath, no heartbeat. The pain of it. Though all the signs were there, I couldn’t bring myself to truly believe she was dead. Perhaps it was just that I didn’t want to accept it, perhaps there was some intuition inside me that knew she was still with me, that knew she wouldn’t inflict me with that measure of agony. Our ‘honeymoon’ was more of an ‘evasivemoon’ to give our elders time to calm themselves over the whole affair. Mass amounts of hate and rage aren’t the best emotions to heap onto a new marriage, passionate as it may be. They say the first year is the hardest, and I must admit there were a few nights that saw me sleeping on the couch. I believe our marriage was a catalyst to start change in Verona, Capulets and Montagues were able to pass each other in the streets without committing some act of debauchery. The real event that dissolved the hatred, I’m proud to say, was the birth of our child. Young Mercutio Tybalt Montague, the pride of my very existence! When Juliet told me of her pregnancy, I could hardly contain my joy! This was more than just a child, he was a bridge between families that hadn’t been traveled in generations. I’m looking forward to a bigger family, I would love to build my own chapter in the complicated text of Verona.  

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Interview with a Horny Cavalier

1. Describe your feelings in the moments leading up to the fight between yourself and Tybalt?
I honestly didn't know what to do, I was caught in such a difficult situation. What should I do, side with my new cousin and honor my marriage or side with my best friend, whom I had known my whole life.

2. What do your plans for Mantua include?
Basically wallowing in self pity, no plans are good plans unless they include Juliet.

3. How has Juliet taken this whole situation, what with you killing her cousin and everything.
Surprisingly well, she is mostly concerned for my safety and the fact that we will not be together for a while. Of all people, she has stood by me the most. I am so grateful for her unfailing loyalty and love.

4. What was it like, saying goodbye to Juliet while knowing you may never see each other again?
I can't describe the feeling, it was as if some part of me had been ripped out. It kills me, having no control over our relationship this way. I can only hope that one of us will be freed soon.

5.  If you could go back, knowing all the pain and suffering you and Juliet's relationship has caused, would you do it over again?
Knowing that our love is forbidden, knowing that our parent's will never approve, knowing that Mercutio was killed and in turn I killed Tybalt, and knowing of my banishment, I couldn't bring myself to change a thing. I love Juliet. It's as simple and complicated as that.


Thursday 1 December 2011

Marriage, Banishment and Chick Flicks.

I have climbed the misty mountain of love and fallen down the other side.

I thought I could go no higher than Juliet's love and affection; and I was right in that. Now I know the deepest despair. The blackhole that is Mantua threatens to envelop me. Our seperation I simply cannot bear.

The catalyst I should not speak of, but I must find my heart some relief in unloading this burden. The filthy sword, drawn from Tybalt's waist and thrust into the heart of dear Mercutio...the thought of it makes my blood boil beneath my skin. How could I not avenge him? I do not regret my act of revenge, but I do rebuke the punishment I was given. Banishment! They may as well have killed me. I would much rather be slain, so I could wait for my love in peace. There has been one redeeming event as of yet, my first night with Juliet. As she once said, the sorrow was sweet. With the larks still singing, we said goodbye with implications of better days to come.

Oh and these are like my favourite movies...ever! I'm suuuuch a hopeless romantic, they are just so cute! When Noah asks Ally about the just breaks my heart! And the Titanic, oh the Titanic! Who can forget when she has to push Jack off, the regret and sorrow in her eyes!

Monday 28 November 2011


When I see my love Juliet
My cheekbones
When I visit Juliet on her balcony, exchanging sweet words and deep thoughts
A good pasta
Mocking the Capulet's...with the exception of my sweet love
Getting rid of communicable diseases

Friday 18 November 2011

Chastity is the Devil (Romeo)

Oh Rosaline! How you torture me with your chaste ways and strict morales. You may not have houses and land behind your name, but you are rich in beauty and kindness. There is nothing, I am sure, that could make me love you any more than I do now. No amount of persuasion could lessen my deep and committed devotion to you. I am sorry if I have done anything to hurt you before, I can assure you that was never my intent. What motivates me now is only love, love and the fear that your great beauty will be wasted on one generation. Not even the recent fight between Tybalt and Benvolio can deter me. I am not sure if you have heard of it, it was a minor affair and luckily no one is injured or dead. The argument didn't get very far, as the Prince was nearby and intervened. This is yet another chapter in the feud between my family and the Capulet's. I wish things had been different before I was born, as this constant fighting is all I have ever known. And what for? I have never seen anything to warrant the level of hatred and violence that exists between us. You see Rosaline, conflict and cynicism surrounds me, and that is why I need your love. I need you in my life to make it bearable. I spent all of yesterday in my room, waiting for the sun to come up; it never did. 

With Love and Sorrow,